Version 7 has arrived! In this version of Pokémon Crater, when you move on a map or are battling the entire page no longer reloads - only the parts of the page that need to reload. This helps speed up map moving and battling, as well as making the game play smoother than in version 6. There are now three tabs on the left side of the screen when you're logged into the game. These tabs are PokéDex, Members, and Options. These tabs allow you to quickly access features like the PokéDex or Members list or change your account options from any page. Live battling has also been improved in this version to work more like regular battles and work more consistantly. In the past live battling was very sensitive to communication problems or by the other player refreshing the page, but hopefully these problems have been worked out. Version 7 also introduces an improved messaging system, which was overdue for a makeover. The new message system works similarly to many email clients, so you should find it very easy to use.
Now that version 7 is done, some more maps will be coming in the next few weeks and eventually a six type of special Pokémon will be released to join the normal, shiny, dark, metallic, and ghostly versions. I hope you enjoy version 7!